Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs)
How do I purchase tickets for an event?
Click on the Events button and choose the event you like.
Click on the event poster to go to the Event details
Select the type of ticket you want either Regular, VIP or VVIP
Proceed to Next and choose the number of Tickets you want to purchase
Proceed to Next and Insert the payment information
Confirm and click done to receive a prompt message for payment
Insert your password and complete payment
Can I purchase tickets over the phone or in person?
Yes you can purchase tickets over the phone by dialing the USSD code *671# and
following the user menu to pay or go to the wen browser and follow
the purchasing steps.
What payment methods are accepted?
We accept payments via M-Pesa platform, Credit & Debit cards
Is there a service fee for purchasing tickets?
When purchasing tickets online, you need to be connected to the internet.
When purchasing tickets via USSD code *671# you need to have airtime on your line to
access the USSD Code.
How do I receive my tickets after purchase?
Upon Successful payment immediately, you will receive an email address containing your
details and tickets for the event you have selected.
If you have used the USSD code *671# to make payment you will receive an SMS alert
with a link to a file that will have you details and tickets for the event you have selected.
What if I lose my ticket or confirmation email?
In the case one loses their ticket or confirmation email, you can share the payment reference
from either the bank you used to pay with or from M-Pesa platform to to check. You can also share the same information by
contacting our support team on +254 708 995 130
Is it possible to get a refund for my tickets?
There is no refund for any ticket purchased online or through the USSD code *671#
Once payment has been done there can be no refund or reverse.